Iterate on code insanely fast without breaking play session
Are you tired of waiting for full domain-reload and script compilation every time you make a small code change?
Me too.
Tool will automatically compile only what you've changed and immediately hot-reload that into current play session.
Iterate on whatever you're working on without reentering play mode over and over again.
Works with any code editor.
- Import
- Play
- Make Code Change
- See results
It's that simple!
Hot-Reload in development build (on device)
You can use add-on to this tool: Live Script Reload to create builds (Standalone / android) which will allow you to use Hot-Reload functionality in builds.
Iterate quickly on deployed Android APK / standalone windows build.
One-off custom code executions on Hot-Reload
When you need to set the stage to test your feature out.
Add following methods to changed script:
void OnScriptHotReload() { //do whatever you want to do with access to instance via 'this' } static void OnScriptHotReloadNoInstance() { //do whatever you want to do without instance //useful if you've added brand new type //or want to simply execute some code without |any instance created. //Like reload scene, call test function etc }
It's a development tool, you're not supposed to ship with it! :)
Your app performance won't be affected in any meaningful way though.
Biggest bit is additional memory used for your re-compiled code.
Won't be visuble unless you make 100s of changes in same play-session.
Supports (Tested)
- Unity 2019.3
- Unity 2020.3
- Unity 2021.3
- Unity 2022.2
- Add debugger support for hot-reloaded scripts
- Better compiler support to work around limitations
100% satisfaction guaranteed or Your money back!
Get On Asset StoreProducts

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Transform Changes Debugger
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